Des Moines Area Monthly Photographer Meet-Up : May Edition

Once a month the Des Moines Area Monthly Photographer Meet-Up takes place. It was started and still organized by the fantastic Sarah & Chris Davis of  Lucky Soda Photography here in Des Moines. It is great to meet other individuals in the area who shoot everything from commercial architecture to weddings. Also it is a valuable resource for bouncing ideas and creating new ventures with each other. Well that and just making new friends!

Tonights meetup was hosted by the spunky and knowledgeable Jeremy and Brian of dsmPhotoCompany at their fantastic studio just a few blocks south of downtown. Check out their awesome studio below!

It was great seeing you all, and props to Sarah & Chris for organizing this every month and to Jeremy and Brian for hosting tonight. I had a blast chatting with you all and meeting a few new friends!


undefinedLaura of Laura Willis Photography & Matthew of Matthew Flowers Photography


Chris of Lucky Soda Photography

undefinedLaura and I. She is just SO much fun!

undefinedClint of Huffaker Photography and his adorable son.undefinedundefinedundefined


Levi of Yamen Photoundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefined

Oh Jeremy!


Laura! What are you looking at!? Ha!


Thanks all for a great meet-up. See you next month!

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