Des Moines Top Wedding Photographer Award

We were super stoked to get an e-mail last week that out of 251 wedding photographers in Des Moines we were chosen as ONE of the top 19! How cool is that! You can check out the full list on the Expertise website here.

expertbadgeThey said their decisions are based on reputation, credibility, experience, availability to the client, professionalism and engagement. Rock on!

Tanner and I have worked incredibly hard over the last 8 years to build a wedding photography business that we are proud of and proud to call our own. There have been countless late nights, brainstorming sessions, creativity discussions, learning experiences, tears and laughs you name it. I am SO incredibly proud to call ZTS ours as well as be on this list. (Even though in my opinion it is missing some photographers I think deserve to be on there as well!) [:

Anyway! Thanks to EVERYONE for supporting us since 2009. Can’t wait to continue our business in to the future together for years to come as 2017 is booking out so fast (WOO!).

sarah and tanner urich

As our bride and groom told us at Saturday’s wedding, “You guys just make a great team! You compliment each other so well!”

I LOVE IT! Thank you guys, We love you all!

(Note photos of us above are by one of our bff’s and amazing photographer friends Amanda Basteen! Thanks for doing such a great job capturing our love.)

And again the article is here if you want to browse around! 



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