Hunziker Wedding Preview | 08.28.10 | Carroll Iowa Wedding Photographers

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Tanner and I ventured off to Carroll, IA last weekend to shoot the wonderful wedding of Amy and JM. The day couldn’t have been more perfect for a wedding! Sometimes being late August you never know what your going to get as to a 110 degree blazing with humidity or a calm and gusty 75 degrees. Well we got a great mix between the two thankfully!

These two were so much fun. I don’t think Amy stopped smiling the ENTIRE day! Even had to recite the pledge of allegiance a few times to calm herself down. Ha! The first dance photos are quickly becoming some of my favorites from every wedding we shoot. Just the awe in pure love that they show amazes me. Check these out and we will be posting some more images from Amy and JM’s big day soon.



This weekend we are off to Cedar Rapids for Katelyn and Taylor’s wedding. Woohoo for 3 day holiday weekends and fantastic wedding couples!

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