If your viewing this on facebook shoot on over to our blog at https://ztsphoto.com
We officially finished up a wedding last night from last Saturday! Oh wow were booking it being so productive lately.
You can view and share and purchase the wedding photos here: http://ztsphoto.smugmug.com/Weddings/Hustedt-Wedding-073110
Feel free to pass out the link to family and friends! Digital files are only $1 for a Facebok quality image was well.
This week we have three engagement shoots and a senior lined up so being busy for us is an understatement this summer. So glad to be all caught up!
Next up for this week’s to-do list is ordering our new business cards and designing a better PDF pricing guide for 2011 weddings containing better details on our collections and pricing.
Oh and the Alien Bee’s arrived about 15 minuets ago so look for a fun blog post soon of us testing out our new lighting system.
Lastly enjoy some my favorite fun photos from the Hustedt wedding:
And lastly my favorite image of the day!
Hope the two of you are having a blast in Jamaica!