MADE IN DSM – ZTS PHOTO Feature | Des Moines, Iowa Wedding Photographers

Andrew and Derek of MADE IN DSM reached out to Tanner and I a few weeks ago asking if we would like to be featured. HECK YES we would!!!!

They started MADE IN DSM to remind people why Des Moines matters by collaborating with other great local designers, companies, and start-ups. The end goal is to show what’s great about Des Moines, Iowa. How cool is that!

You can follow them on social media @MADEINDSM on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. So fun to have been included in this awesome project!

You can read our wonderful interview with them all about ZTS Photo here: MADE IN DSM ZTS PHOTO INTERVIEW

Thanks for the feature guys, we are so excited to share it and love what you are doing! Des Moines rocks!

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