Matt + Jessi Engaged | Iowa Engagement Photographer | Storm Lake

Matthew and Jessi picked the perfect day for their engagement photos. The weather was just right and the sky was amazing! These are all taken in or around Storm Lake, Iowa.

Matt and I have been friends since our freshmen year at Buena Vista University in 2005 when we were both stuck in the same very ‘interesting’ freshman seminar class for business majors. I traveled to Mexico with him and Jessi for spring break in 2008 and Tanner has several biology classes with Jessi currently at BVU.

I was so excited when they contacted us about being part of their wedding day last summer. They are both into ALL things Nebraska. (Go Iowa Hawkeyes! Had to throw that in!) Matthew’s family owns a large ranch in Nebraska and as you can tell they are incrdible to be around, you just can’t help but smile around these two!


Thanks to everyone out there that has been referring us for weddings, engagements and seniors! We have been so busy this year and really appreciate the support.

On Thrusday were getting a shipment in the mail for the weekend an EF 300mm f/2.8 IS USM lens and a top of the line Canon camera a 1D Mark IV so look forward to some sweet football pictures from the Buena Vista University vs Central College football game.

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