Tag Archives: halfway to heaven

Halfway 2 Heaven {2013} Golf Tournament

halfway to heaven memorial golf tournament 2013

I had the pleasure of shooting the Halfway 2 Heaven memorial golf tournament yesterday in Garner, IA in memory of Tanner’s father Bernie Urich. Feel free to swing by and check out some great pics from the day on our print site at: http://ztsphoto.smugmug.com/Business/H2H-Golf-Tourney-2013/29894346_xtjhLq Don’t forget to keep the 2014 bike ride and golf tournament...

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2nd Annual Halfway to Heaven Scholarship Bike Ride | Iowa Commercial Photographers

If your viewing this on facebook head on over to our blog at: https://ztsphoto.com June 5th we had the pleasure of shooting the 2nd Annual Halfway to Heaven Scholarship Bike-ride in memory of Tanner’s father Bernie. Some of his biggest passions were biking and music and the proceeds raised from the event help to fund...

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